circlespot circlemecircleflowers
19 year old Primary Teaching and Fine Art student
with an obsession for clothes and makeup.
Instagram: emmacharlotteh

Monday, 13 August 2012

Blog Inspiration

This post is a list of blogs that I follow daily, I love 'blogging' and the everything that comes with it - finding out about amazing products, and finding fashion inspiration. I don't tend to buy magazines anymore as I feel that the OOTD's and looks that these amazing bloggers come up with are far superior and are more suited to my own personal style and a lot of the time budget! But I have noticed that recently 'Company' magazine have cottoned on to this trend and have taken 'bloggers and vloggers' under they're wing and are involving them much more in the magazine!

I also like that I can easily access British fashion, and trends at the touch of a button, I do follow some American bloggers such as Dulce Candy but a lot of the lovely things she blogs about are American brands such as Target, I don't feel quite as inspired if I can't get hold of them myself!

A fair few of these blogs have lasted the 'test of time' for me, and have managed to keep me entertained or should I say 'hooked' since back in 2009! 

Of course, the one and only! I visit Lily's blog more than Facebook! Her style is so simple but she manages to look amazing, she started 'ombre' hair and it's hard not to notice other blogs with a 'similar' Lily style, and layout!

I love Kavita, She manages to find THE most amazing clothes for car boot sales for less than £1!! 
She's got an amazing body that makes everything she wears look irresistible!

Emma, from milkteef originally drew me in with her flawless complexion and love for all things floral and girly! She has a really lovely fashion sense and her makeup always looks amazing!

Laura's tan makes me so SO jealous! I've purchased alot of products on her recommendations and advise, including Xen Tan and Boots 'Miracle' Sleep in Rollers!
 Her makeup always looks amazing and I check her blog religiously.

I wish that I had an amazing vintage fashion eye like Kelly, she looks amazing head to toe in vintage or vintage inspired clothes! I think that out of all the bloggers I follow she is the most unique, as she finds the majority of her clothes in charity shops something that I long to be able to have the 'nack' for!

I've been 'following' in one form or a another Stacie since the cheesy days of MySpace!!!!
I feel like I'm saying the word 'amazing' to often, but she has always had an amazing style, beautiful shoes and a large following! Blazers and trousers seem to be her main wardrobe staple! 

Olivia's blog is a particular favourite of mine at the moment, her style consists of everything I love: peter pan collars, jumpers, tea dresses, vintage or vintage inspired, red lips, sunglasses! THE LOT! 

More recent blog/vlog discoveries include:


  1. Thank you so much for the mention lovely! Love your blog :) x

  2. Thanks so much for including me on here, just going through your blog - I love it :) xo
